Study the Bible Systematically

Have you ever considered studying the Bible systematically? The thought may evoke mixed reactions from excitement to intimidation. But let me share with you five compelling reasons why you should give it a try.

First and foremost, what exactly do we mean by studying the Bible systematically?

It's about approaching your study with intentionality and having a plan. It involves studying the Bible chronologically, following the events in the order they took place. Additionally, it means embracing the inductive Bible study method of "Observation, Interpretation, and Application."

But fear not! Studying the Bible systematically is neither dry nor arduous. While it does require effort, the rewards are truly remarkable.

Let's delve into the reasons why studying the Bible systematically is worth your time and commitment:

1. It's worth the effort.

Think back to your high school English class where you learned strategies to understand Shakespeare. If we were motivated to apply those methods to literature, how much more should we be motivated to do the same for the Bible?

The Bible is the Word of God, a precious collection of divine wisdom that offers guidance, encouragement, and spiritual growth. By studying it systematically, we ensure that we interpret it accurately and extract its full meaning.

2. Dig deeper, get more out of it.

When we approach Scripture with intentionality, we gain a deeper understanding than a mere surface-level reading can provide. Systematic Bible study revolutionizes our time in the Word.

Instead of merely checking off a task on our to-do list, we unearth profound truths and find practical application. By delving deep into Scripture while seeing the big picture, we set ourselves up for a day filled with joy and a focus on the Lord.

3. Understand what the author is saying.

The Bible is the most important book you'll ever read because it is inspired by God Himself. Therefore, it's crucial to comprehend its intended message. However, it's important to recognize that the Bible was written in a different time and culture and has been translated into English.

This can make it challenging to grasp its meaning. By employing proven study methods, we become good stewards of the Word and can confidently discern what God is saying to us.

4. Know how to read it well.

To truly understand what we're reading, we need to learn proper Bible study methods. Just as your pastor learned these methods in college, we too can benefit from studying the Bible inductively.

By using the "Observation, Interpretation, and Application" method, we ensure that our understanding aligns with the Holy Spirit's guidance. Solid Bible study methods empower us to be discerning readers and test everything we hear against Scripture.

5. Grasp the big picture.

To place each passage in its correct context, we must grasp the overall storyline of the Bible. The Bible tells the story of redemption, from God's creation of mankind to our separation due to sin, and ultimately to our reconciliation through Jesus Christ. By understanding this overarching narrative, we see the grace and foreshadowing of Jesus throughout the Old Testament.

Studying the Bible systematically helps us connect the dots and appreciate God's unchanging nature.

Study the Bible systematically - with Bible study guide

To aid you on this journey of systematic Bible study, I created the Scripture Confident through the Bible study guide. It takes you through selected passages, providing a strong foundation and equipping you with inductive Bible study skills.

Starting with guided study, the guide gradually empowers you to study independently.

The experiences of others who have undertaken this study guide speak for themselves:

"Learning about these study methods has brought the Word to light in new ways and has furthered what the Holy Spirit can bring to my understanding." - Caroline

"Our whole group grew in confidence and understanding. Thank you so much for all you have taught us through this course. I am itching to continue. I love that about this study." - Courtney

If you're ready to dig deep into Scripture with growing confidence and understand the story of redemption, I invite you to explore the Scripture Confident through the Bible study guide. By completing this series, you'll develop the skills to study any Bible passage with confidence, transforming your approach to Scripture and enriching your time with God.

Discover the power of God's Word and uncover what He wants to teach you through the Scriptures.

Happy studying!


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